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The First Informers project series has documented local broadcasting in several notable severe storm events over the past eight years. Chandra Clark, second from right, and Scott Hodgson, far left, with University of Oklahoma and UA students. NAB is proud of our partnership with Chandra and University of Alabama students who have performed exceptional work capturing the depth and breadth of local broadcasters’ work during ‘life or death’ situations.” Dr.

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“In the final analysis, it is generally the local radio and TV station that ‘gets the word out’ and saves lives in Tornado Alley, in California wildfires, during Superstorm Sandy and when there is an Amber Alert. “These videos served as a reminder to Washington lawmakers and regulators of the enduring ‘first informer’ role that can be played by local broadcasters in times of crisis,” said Dennis Wharton, executive vice president of communications, National Association of Broadcasters. This provides special consideration for broadcasters in times of emergency, including access to necessities such as emergency generators in crisis areas. The Omnibus spending bill, which passed into law in March of 2018, included an allocation of $1 billion dollars for radio and television broadcasters for the spectrum repack, and it broadened the definition of “first responders” to include these broadcasters.

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The First Informers videos are shared with regulators at the Federal Communications Commission, the White House, members of Congress, and state broadcast associations to demonstrate the unique role broadcasting fulfills during emergencies. “They’re experiencing the same pain and going through the same adjustments as the people they serve.” “With the spotlight on journalists right now, it’s very dear to my heart to highlight the crucial role that they’re playing and how many of them are affected by these disasters, too,” said Clark. In the award-winning series, viewers hear directly from news anchors, field reporters, meteorologists and local officials who live and work in communities affected by the weather events. Developed in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma, the series has, over the last eight years, documented the important roles broadcasters fill during emergencies.

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Chandra Clark, UA assistant professor of journalism and creative media, are part of the “First Informers” series and focus on broadcast coverage of hurricanes Florence and Michael, which struck North Carolina and Florida, respectively, during 2018. Documentary Showcases Local Broadcasters During 2018 HurricanesĪ new documentary highlighting the role of broadcasters during disasters was recently released by a University of Alabama journalism professor. Chandra Clark, far right, and Oklahoma student Davis Kuck, middle, interview Tess Connell, a host at 92.5 WPAP Panama City, about Hurricane Michael.

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